Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reality TV and addiction - an overdose waiting to happen

I have seen the show "Intervention" and always thought that the addict being filmed must know what is going on.  Though, when you are actively using, you can be pretty hazy about reality, and even when you have cameras following you around, you might even let your narcissistic side win out.  Maybe they just want to help, thinking it is a show on the horrors of the disease.  Maybe they don't really know anything and think it is cool to be filmed and don't care who sees it.  No matter what, they are being exploited, and harmed in ways they, nor the producers, can't even begin to imagine.

How many peoples stories never even make it to television because they overdosed and died, or at the very least had serious complications due to their use and therefore were no longer of "value" to the show?  We will never know the answer.  It is beyond unethical.  But, it sells because everyone likes to watch a "train wreck."  People who watch the show who are in recovery should be ashamed of themselves.  They remember, or should, what a living hell their drug and alcohol abuse became.  People who don't have the disease really don't understand and are arguably excused from culpability, unless they work in the field or have a loved one they tried to help.

The reason I am writing this blog, is because I read an article in the LA Times.  It highlights Leif Garrett, the teen idol, who entered "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew".  Another unethical show on VH1.  It is reprehensible to mix video cameras with people who are actively using, withdrawing from their drug of choice OR in early recovery.  These people can't think straight let alone make decisions based on their well being that will be recorded and memorialized forever.  You cannot sign your name to a piece of paper in these circumstances and fully understand the ramifications.

As a recovering person, drug counselor and attorney, I know this story from back to front.  It stinks to high heaven.  I would be happy to start a class action suit against everyone involved in "Intervention" and "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew".  These people lack the mental capacity to fully understand their actions, let alone enter into an informed consent agreement and a contract.  Money is the final incentive for people to agree to appear on both of these shows.  Again, greed takes the prize and people are lulled into a sort of nirvana that money, or the hope of recovery, will solve all of their problems.  Recovery, true recovery, without the presence of a financial incentive is the only way it works.

Please fell free to comment on this post, as I am truly interested in finding out what others think.