Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Starting today

So... the journey of a thousand words starts with the first... syllable??  Huh?

Well, so much for that.  I just need to get some more reality in my life and hopefully it will spill over into anyone's life who reads this.

Disclaimer: I wasn't an English or writing major, so typos and grammar are excused.  They are actually the real deal anyway.  It is who I am... a part-time perfectionist.  Hopefully never going full-time.  I just don't know where I would find the time to be perfect.

So, I am first and foremost a person who is in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.  In order to keep it real and not hide behind the secrets, I need to share that.  It really helps me keep everything in perspective.

I am also a pharmacist, a lawyer, a social worker and a drug counselor.  All of these professions work in concert. as most people with drug or alcohol problems have had legal involvement, and many have pharmacology questions as they begin the recovery process.

My blog will focus on substance abuse treatment as it encompasses biological/pharmacological and legal/incarceration concerns.  I will address everything from new drugs of abuse, chemical dependency treatment models (including the use of pharmacological agents) to the legal ramifications of substance abuse and the interaction of punishment vs. treatment.

So that is my intro and first step/syllable...  feel free to comment and... above all... keep it real...

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